What to expect at your visit:
Each acupuncturist has a unique style, often blending aspects of Eastern and Western approaches to medicine. The initial consult can take up to 1.5 hours and follow up appointments are typically an hour or less. To determine the type of acupuncture treatment that will help you the most, your practitioner may ask you many questions about your symptoms, behaviors and lifestyle. They may also closely examine the shape, coating and color of your tongue as well as the strength, rhythm and quality of the pulse in your wrist
Acupuncture points are located in all areas of the body and sometimes the appropriate points are far removed from the area of your pain. Acupuncture needles are very thin, so insertion usually causes no discomfort. Between 5 and 20 needles are used in a typical treatment, and in most cases needles remain in from 15 to 25 minutes while you lie down and relax. Most people fall asleep during treatment.
Most people feel relaxed after an acupuncture treatment and experience relief from symptoms. Many people have benefited from acupuncture. Since it has few side effects, acupuncture may be worth a try if more-conventional methods have not been effective.
Continuing visits:
The number of visits needed is very individual – if you recently injured your back shoveling snow or have a flare up of seasonal allergies, you might benefit from more frequent treatments scheduled closer together for a shorter period of time, while a chronic condition may benefit from weekly or biweekly treatments over a longer period of time. A common treatment plan for a single simple complaint would typically involve six to 12 treatments, scheduled over a few months.
The risks of acupuncture are quite low. Patients may experience some soreness and bruising at the needle insertion site. Let your acupuncturist know if you have a bleeding disorder or are taking blood thinners as your risk of bleeding or bruising from the needles will be increased. If you have a pacemaker let your practitioner know so that they will avoid the use of e-stim, a type of acupuncture that is sometimes used that applies mild electrical pulses that can interfere with a pacemaker’s operation. Tell your acupuncturist if you are pregnant and they will be careful to omit any acupuncture points that may in any way stimulate labor.
To schedule an appointment with our Acupuncturist in Basking Ridge give us a call at 908-758-1006!